How Much Should I Be Paid?
We thought it would be a good idea to show the minimum you should be paid per hour. Holiday pay should be paid at the end of your contract for any untaken holiday, or (as of 2024 it can be added to the rate on a ‘rolled up’ basis). Holiday pay is calculated at the rate of 12.07%, the minimum set by the UK Government.
NMW Rates have been updated as of 1st April 2024
(The 21 - 22 category has been removed, from 1st April 2024)
NB You may also find this page useful: Runners’ pay - what should you ask for and should you ask for more?
NMW Rates per hour, with holiday pay (calculated at the legal minimum of 12.07%)
The government website has more details about NMW, employment rights for interns and work experience, as well as working as an intern and as an apprentice (they are NOT the same thing). (Apprentice holiday pay is not shown above as the rate is different from Workers).
Here are BECTU’s rate cards
BECTU - Film & TV Runners guidance on rates 2023
This is the negotiating guide from the Unscripted TV Union